Morphomechanics Lab
Curvature-Regulated Multiphase Patterns in Tori (Phys. Rev. Lett.). This work has been selected for a Synopsis (How Nature’s Donuts Get Their Wrinkles) in Physics 16, s5. This work has been highlighted by Nature 614, 10 (2023) (A chilli’s wrinkles and a cherry’s dimples explained). This work has been highlighted by PhysOrg (A model that predicts wrinkle patterns on the surface of toroidal structures as they expand or contract).
Pattern transitions in a soft cylindrical shell (PRL). This work has been highlighted as Picture Story (Roll up your sleeves) by Nature Physics 14, 534 (2018).
Mechanics of tension-induced film wrinkling and restabilization: a review (PRSA)
Wrinkling and smoothing of a soft shell (JMPS)
Curvature tunes wrinkling in shells (IJES).
Competition between Mullins and curvature effects (IJSS)
Wrinkling of twisted thin films (IJSS)
Functionalized helical fibre bundles of carbon nanotubes as
electrochemical sensors for long-term in vivo monitoring of multiple disease
biomarkers (Nature
Biomed. Eng.). This work has been highlighted as News & Views (Soft and fibrous multiplexed biosensors) by Nature Biomed.
Eng. 4, 135–136 (2020).
Intricate evolutions of multiple-period post-buckling patterns in
bilayers (Science China – Phys. Mech.