Morphomechanics  Lab​

30/01/2025: The paper Unusual stretching-twisting of liquid crystal elastomer bilayers” has been accepted for publication in JMPS and is now available online. Congrats!
09/01/2025: 祝贺荣获上海市教委 人工智能促进科研范式改革 赋能学科跃升计划 重点项目资助!
20/12/2024: The paper Programmable wrinkling patterns of liquid crystal network bilayers on compliant substrates” has been accepted for publication in IJSS and is now available online. Congrats!
09/12/2024: The paper Laser-Direct-Writing Reversible Aligned Wrinkling on Arbitrary Films Assisted by a Detachable Assembly Strategy” has been accepted for publication in Advanced Functional Materials. Congrats!
23/10/2024: 祝贺荣获2023年度上海市自然科学二等奖!(第一完成人)
23/08/2024: 祝贺荣获国家杰出青年科学基金资助!
28/06/2024: 祝贺杨易凡博士荣获中国博士后科学基金第75批面上资助!
15/06/2024: 祝贺荣获首届钱学森杰出青年奖!(全国4人)
01/06/2024: 祝贺荣获复旦大学第十一届“研究生心目中的好导师”提名!
16/05/2024: The paper Computational morphology and morphogenesis for empowering soft-matter engineering” has been accepted for publication in Nature Computational Science. Congrats!
20/02/2024: The paper A solid-shell model of hard-magnetic soft materials” has been accepted for publication in IJMS and is now available online. Congrats!
18/01/2024: 祝贺温雅荣获2024年软物质力学冬令营优秀海报奖!
28/12/2023: The paper Morphomechanics of growing curled petals and leaves” has been accepted for publication in JMPS and is now available online. Congrats!
23/12/2023: 祝贺李茂源荣获2023年长三角力学与人工智能学术研讨会优秀报告奖!
01/12/2023: 祝贺张晓亮荣获2023年博士研究生一等奖学金(波音奖学金),李茂源荣获2023年硕士研究生一等奖学金,戴之峻荣获博士生优秀学业二等奖学金。
29/11/2023: 祝贺杨易凡博士入选2023年上海市“超级博士后”激励计划
11/11/2023: 祝贺李睿扬荣获上海力学研究生学术节优秀学术报告奖!
04/11/2023: 祝贺李睿扬荣获第三届损伤与断裂力学及其工程应用研讨会优秀报告特等奖!
04/11/2023: 祝贺林昕琦荣获上海市航空宇航与力学学科研究生学术论坛优秀论文奖!
14/10/2023: 祝贺李睿扬荣获第四届长三角力学论坛最佳学生论文奖!

09/10/2023: The paper Tunable Tail Swing of Nanomillipedes” has been accepted for publication in Nano Letters and is selected as supplementary Cover. Congrats!

24/08/2023: 祝贺获国家自然科学基金面上项目资助!

23/08/2023: The paper Self-wrinkling coating for impact resistance and mechanical enhancement” has been accepted for publication in Science Bulletin and is now available online. Congrats!

22/06/2023: The paper Substantial Curvature Effects on Compliant Serpentine Mechanics” has been accepted for publication in MoM and is now available online. Congrats!

19/06/2023: The paper A meshfree model of hard-magnetic soft materials” has been accepted for publication in IJMS and is now available online. Congrats!

08/06/2023: The paper Strain stiffening retards growth instability in residually stressed biological tissues” has been accepted for publication in JMPS and is now available online. Congrats!

06/05/2023: 热烈祝贺研究被央视《新闻联播》2次报道!

15/04/2023: 祝贺杨易凡荣获HKSTAM 2023 Best Student Presentation Award

08/03/2023: The paper A combined finite-discrete element model for elasto-capillary phenomena” has been accepted for publication in IJMS and is now available online. Congrats!

05/03/2023: The paper Controlling and visualizing fracture of 2D crystals by wrinkling” has been accepted for publication in JMPS and is now available online. Congrats!

20/02/2023: The paper Programmable electric-field-induced bending shapes of dielectric liquid crystal elastomer sheets” has been accepted for publication in EML and is now available online. Congrats!

16/02/2023: The paper Light-Induced in-situ Dynamic Ordered Wrinkling with Arbitrarily Tailorable Wrinkling Orientation for Photoresponsive Soft Photonics” has been accepted for publication in AFM and is now available online. Congrats!

05/12/2022: The paper “Curvature-Regulated Multiphase Patterns in Tori” has been accepted for publication in PRL and is now available online. Great congrats! This work has been selected for a Synopsis (How Nature’s Donuts Get Their Wrinkles) in Physics 16, s5This work has been highlighted by Nature 614, 10 (2023) (A chilli’s wrinkles and a cherry’s dimples explained). This work has been highlighted by PhysOrg (A model that predicts wrinkle patterns on the surface of toroidal structures as they

expand or contract).

02/12/2022: 祝贺入选2023年度上海市教育委员会科研创新计划

02/12/2022: The paper “Wrinkling of twisted thin films” has been accepted for publication in IJSS and is now available online. Congrats!

24/10/2022: The paper Chiral topographic instability in shrinking spheres” has been accepted for publication as a Cover in Nature Comput. Sci. and is now available online. Congrats! This work has been highlighted as News & Views (Bio-inspired adaptive grasper by chiral wrinklingby Nature Comput. Sci. 2, 624-625, 2022.

24/10/2022: 祝贺荣获《力学季刊》2020年度优秀论文!

08/09/2022: 祝贺王亚飞博士获国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目资助!

04/07/2022: The paper “Ultrafast Dynamic Response of Waterproof Stretchable Strain Sensors Based on Wrinkle-Templated Microcracking” has been accepted for publication in JMCA and is now available online. Congrats!

04/07/2022: The paper “A 3D hard-magnetic rod model based on co-rotational formulations” has been accepted for publication in AMS and is now available online. Congrats!

22/06/2022: 祝贺王亚飞博士荣获中国博士后科学基金第71批面上资助!

16/06/2022: 祝贺王亚飞博士入选2022年度博士后创新人才支持计划(国家“博新计划”)

12/06/2022: The paper “A consistent finite-strain plate model for wrinkling of stretched anisotropic hyperelastic films” has been accepted for publication in TWS and is now available online. Congrats!

24/05/2022: The invited review paper “Mechanics of tension-induced film wrinkling and restabilization: a review” has been accepted for publication in PRSA, selected as a Cover paper, and is now available online. Congrats!

24/05/2022: The paper “Polarization-Dependent Ultrasensitive Dynamic Wrinkling on Floating Films Induced by Photo-Orientation of Azopolymer” has been accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie and is now available online. Congrats!

04/05/2022: The paper “Competition between sliding and peeling of graphene nanoribbons under horizontal drag” has been accepted for publication in Materials and is now available online. Congrats!

18/02/2022: The paper “Stretchable and ultrasensitive strain sensor based on a bilayer wrinkle-microcracking mechanism” has been accepted for publication in CEJ and is now available online. Congrats!

09/02/2022: The paper “An asymptotic modeling and resolution framework for morphology evolutions of multiple-period post-buckling modes in bilayers” has been accepted for publication in MMS and is now available online. Congrats!

26/01/2022: The paper “Competition between Mullins and curvature effects in the wrinkling of stretched soft shells” has been accepted for publication in IJSS and is now available online. Congrats!

31/12/2021: 祝贺杨易凡荣获2021年博士研究生国家奖学金,程柘荣获2021年硕士研究生国家奖学金,张晓亮荣获博士生优秀学业一等奖学金,李睿扬、刘俊廷分别荣获硕士生优秀学业二等奖学金。

31/12/2021: 祝贺王亚飞博士入选复旦大学“超级博士后”!

09/12/2021: 祝贺汪婷博士学位答辩圆满成功!将赴巴黎高师作博士后研究!

02/12/2021: 祝贺入选首批上海市基础研究特区计划

20/10/2021: 祝贺入选集成攻关大平台“旦芯人才计划”青年项目!

18/10/2021: 祝贺入选上海市“曙光学者”!

12/10/2021: 祝贺入选国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金!

11/08/2021: The paper “Buckling of an elastic layer based on implicit constitution: Incremental theory and numerical framework” has been accepted for publication in IJES and is now available online. Congrats!

09/06/2021: Our IJES work “Curvature tunes wrinkling in shells” has been highlighted (Mathematically exploring wrinkle evolution) by Nature Computational Science. Congrats!

01/06/2021: The paper “Computing wrinkling and restabilization of stretched sheets based on a consistent finite-strain plate theory” has been accepted for publication in CMAME and is now available online. Congrats!

01/06/2021: 祝贺杨易凡荣获复旦大学第十二届学术之星称号!

31/05/2021: 祝贺赵世晨荣获“2021届上海市优秀毕业生!受聘华为(上海)!

02/05/2021: The paper “Curvature tunes wrinkling in shells” has been accepted for publication in IJES and is now available online. Congrats!

11/03/2021: The paper “Nanosleeves: Morphology Transitions of Infilled Carbon Nanotubes” has been accepted for publication in JMPS and is now available online. Congrats!

31/12/2020: 祝贺赵世晨荣获“2020年硕士研究生国家奖学金


29/12/2020: 祝贺林昕琦荣获2020年中国力学学会全国徐芝纶力学优秀学生奖
27/12/2020: 祝贺杨易凡荣获2020年上海市力学学会优秀学生一等奖!

17/12/2020: The NLM Editorial “Foreword to the Special Issue on instability and bifurcation in materials and structures” is now available online. Congrats!

12/12/2020: 祝贺程柘在2020年同济-复旦联合博士生学术论坛中荣获优秀论文奖

05/12/2020: 祝贺丁明达荣获HKSTAM 2020 Best Student Presentation Award
27/11/2020: 祝贺荣获上海人才发展资金资助!

03/11/2020: The paper “Oblique wrinkling patterns on liquid crystal polymer core-shell cylinders under thermal load” has been accepted for publication in IJSS and is now available online. Congrats!

14/09/2020: The paper “Effect of surface topography on anisotropic friction of graphene layers” has been accepted for publication in EML and is now available online. Congrats!

14/09/2020: The paper “Intricate evolutions of multiple-period post-buckling patterns in bilayers” has been accepted for publication in SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy and is now available online. Congrats!

15/07/2020: The paper “A finite strain model predicts oblique wrinkles in stretched anisotropic films” has been accepted for publication in IJES and is now available online. Congrats!

25/06/2020: The paper “Thermal wrinkling of liquid crystal polymer shell/core spheres” has been accepted for publication in EML and is now available online. Congrats!

21/05/2020: 祝贺刘飞荣获2020年度复旦大学优秀毕业生!受聘华为(上海)材料与结构工程师!

12/02/2020: The paper “Water affects morphogenesis of growing aquatic plant leaves” has been highlighted (Energy efficiency guides lotus leaf growth) by PhysicsWorld. Great congratulations!

30/01/2020: The paper “Water affects morphogenesis of growing aquatic plant leaves” has been highlighted (How water can shape lotus leaves) by Physics Buzz. Great congratulations!

29/01/2020: The paper “Water affects morphogenesis of growing aquatic plant leaves” has been highlighted (Rubber ‘leaves’ reveal the physics of the floating lotus) by Nature. Great congratulations!

27/01/2020: The paper “Pattern selection in core-shell spheres” has been accepted for publication in JMPS and is now available online. Congrats!

24/01/2020: The paper “Water affects morphogenesis of growing aquatic plant leaves” has been selected for a Focus (Explaining the Ruffles of Lotus Leaves) in Physics. Great congratulations!

24/01/2020: The paper “Water affects morphogenesis of growing aquatic plant leaves” has been published in Phys. Rev. Lett. and selected as CoverEditors’ Suggestion. Great congratulations!

13/01/2020: The paper “Light-Boosting Highly Sensitive Pressure Sensors Based on Bioinspired Multiscale Surface Structures” has been accepted for publication in Adv. Funct. Mater. and is now available online. Congrats!

31/12/2019: 祝贺荣获复旦大学本科生优秀毕业论文指导教师奖!

31/12/2019: 祝贺汪婷荣获“2018-2019学年复旦大学董氏东方奖学金

30/12/2019: The talk by Prof. Stephan Rudykh (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) is delivered at Fudan.

21/12/2019: F. Xu delivered an invited talk at the LNM & LTCS seminar.
12/12/2019: 祝贺赵世晨荣获2019年硕士研究生国家奖学金!

07/12/2019: 祝贺当选上海市力学学会常务理事!

07/12/2019: 祝贺汪婷荣获2019年上海市力学学会优秀学生!

07/12/2019: 祝贺刘飞荣获2019年复旦-同济联合博士生学术论坛优秀论文奖

03/12/2019: The talk by Prof. Michel Destrade (NUI Galway, Ireland) is delivered at Fudan.

01/12/2019: 祝贺汪婷荣获2019-2020学年复旦大学博士生一等奖学金!祝贺丁明达、刘飞、杨易凡荣获2019-2020学年复旦大学硕士生二等奖学金!
01/12/2019: 祝贺赵世晨荣获华为杯第十六届中国研究生数学建模竞赛三等奖!

28/11/2019: 祝贺入选复旦大学卓越2025”人才培育计划卓学优秀人才

03/11/2019: 祝贺汪婷荣获2019年上海力学研究生学术节优秀报告二等奖!祝贺刘飞、赵世晨荣获2019年上海力学研究生学术节优秀报告三等奖!

28/10/2019: The paper “Functionalized helical fibre bundles of carbon nanotubes as electrochemical sensors for long-term in vivo monitoring of multiple disease biomarkers” has been accepted for publication in Nature Biomedical Engineering and is now available online. Congrats!

28/10/2019: The talk by Prof. Michel Potier-Ferry (Distinguished Fudan Scholar) is delivered at Fudan.

25/09/2019: The paper “Orientable wrinkles in stretched orthotropic films” has been accepted for publication in EML and is now available online. Congrats!

22/09/2019: 祝贺汪婷荣获2019年全国力学博士生论坛优秀报告

20/09/2019: The paper “Wrinkling and smoothing of a soft shell” has been accepted for publication in JMPS and is now available online. Congrats!

16/09/2019: The talk by Dr. Wengen Ouyang is delivered at Fudan.
01/09/2019: 祝贺汪婷、杨易凡、丁明达荣获2018-2019学年学生学术竞赛先进个人

30/08/2019: The talk by Prof. Yu Cong, who is visiting us for one month and supported by Fudan Fellowship, is delivered at Fudan.

14/06/2019: The paper “Controllable wrinkling patterns on liquid crystal polymer film/substrate systems by laser illumination” has been accepted for publication in EML and is now available online. Congrats!

25/03/2019: The talk by Prof. Francesco Dal Corso is delivered at Fudan.
18/03/2019: 祝贺入选上海市青年科技启明星计划
22/12/2018: 祝贺入选2018中国十大新锐科技人物

22/12/2018: 祝贺荣获2018年上海市力学学会优秀青年学者!

18/12/2018: 祝贺傅晨玻博士学位答辩圆满成功!将赴香港城市大学作博士后研究!

15/12/2018: The paper “On the wrinkling and restabilization of highly stretched sheets” has been accepted for publication in IJES and is now available online. Congrats!

08/12/2018: 祝贺傅晨玻荣获2018年度复旦大学博士生学术论坛优秀论文奖

01/12/2018: 祝贺丁明达荣获第十五届中国研究生数学建模竞赛三等奖!

01/12/2018: 祝贺丁明达荣获2018-2019学年复旦大学硕士生二等奖学金!

20/11/2018: 祝贺杨易凡荣获2018年第一届全国软物质力学大会优秀壁报奖!

11/11/2018: 祝贺汪婷荣获2018年上海市力学研究生学术节工程力学分会场一等奖!

11/11/2018: 祝贺杨易凡荣获2018年上海市力学研究生学术节固体力学分会场一等奖!

09/11/2018: The paper “A modeling and resolution framework for wrinkling in hyperelastic sheets at finite membrane strain” has been accepted for publication in JMPS and is now available online. Congrats!

14/09/2018: F. Xu delivered an invited talk on “Mechanics of Film Instability” at Central South University.

01/09/2018: 祝贺杨易凡荣获2017-2018年度学生学术科研先进个人

18/08/2018: Congratulations! Our group received an NSFC grant to study mechanics of metamaterials.

01/07/2018: F. Xu is invited by Prof. Michel Potier-Ferry as a visiting professor to carry out collaborative research in LEM3 – UMR CNRS 7239 for 1.5 months, supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of China.

19/06/2018: F. Xu delivered an invited talk on “Mechanics of Film Instability” at Hefei University of Technology.
05/06/2018: The work “Patterns transitions in a soft cylindrical shell” has been highlighted as Picture Story (Roll up your sleeves) by Nature Physics 14, 534 (2018). Great congratulations!

18/05/2018: F. Xu has won the 2018 Sino-French Outstanding Young Scientists Exchange Program, supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China.

01/05/2018: F. Xu has won the Outstanding Reviewer Award of Int. J. Nonlinear Mech.

18/04/2018: The paper “Patterns transitions in a soft cylindrical shell” has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters and is now available online. Great congratulations!

07/12/2017: The paper “Quantitative predictions of diverse wrinkling patterns in film/substrate systems” has been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) and is now available online. Congrats!

01/12/2017: 祝贺傅晨玻荣获2017-2018学年复旦大学博士生一等奖学金!
20/11/2017: 祝贺汪婷荣获2017年硕士研究生国家奖学金!

14/11/2017: The talk by Dr. Mingchao Liu is delivered at Fudan.

03/11/2017: Prof. Michel Potier-Ferry, from LEM3 – UMR CNRS 7239, University of Lorraine, France, is visiting Fudan University and his stay lasts for one week. Several substantial research collaborations are conducted.

22/10/2017: The paper “Snap-through instabilities of pressurized balloons: Pear-shaped bifurcation and localized bulging” has been accepted for publication in NLM and is now available online. Congrats!

16/10/2017: The paper “Photo-controlled patterned wrinkling of liquid crystalline polymer films on compliant substrates” has been accepted for publication in IJSS and is now available online. Congrats!

30/08/2017: Wenzhi Qiu, who received his B.S. from Tianjin University of Science and Technology, joins our group. Welcome to Fudan!

30/08/2017: Mingda Ding, who received his B.S. from Tongji University, joins our group. Welcome to Fudan!

30/08/2017: Fei Liu, who received his B.S. from China University of Mining and Technology, joins our group. Welcome to Fudan!

21/08/2017: The paper “Post-buckling evolution of wavy patterns in trapezoidal film/substrate bilayers” has been accepted for publication in NLM and is now available online. Congrats!

25/07/2017: The paper “On the buckling and post-buckling of core-shell cylinders under thermal loading” has been accepted for publication in IJSS and is now available online. Congrats!

01/07/2017: F. Xu is invited by Prof. Huihui DAI as a Research Fellow to carry out collaborative research in Department of MathematicsCity University of Hong Kong for one month, supported by CityU.

05/06/2017: Prof. Michel Potier-Ferry, from LEM3 – UMR CNRS 7239, University of Lorraine, France, is visiting Fudan University and his stay lasts for one week. Several substantial research collaborations are conducted.

26/05/2017: F. Xu delivered a talk at Fudan University.

14/04/2017: F. Xu delivered an invited talk at Peking University.

13/04/2017: F. Xu delivered an invited talk at Tsinghua University.

20/01/2017: F. Xu is sponsored by Shanghai Chenguang Program, supported by Shanghai Education Development Foundation and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, to study mechanics of soft materials.

14/01/2017: F. Xu is invited by Prof. Michel Potier-Ferry as a visiting professor to carry out collaborative research in LEM3 – UMR CNRS 7239 for one month, supported by Laboratory of Excellence (LabEx – DAMAS).

10/10/2016: The 2016 EMI-IC ASCE conference program is available online and can be downloaded here:

06/10/2016: The paper “Light-induced bending and buckling of large-deflected liquid crystalline polymer plates” has been accepted for publication in IJAM and is now available online. Congrats!

26/09/2016: Prof. Michel Potier-Ferry, from LEM3 – UMR CNRS 7239, University of Lorraine, France, is visiting Fudan University and his stay lasts for one week. Several substantial research collaborations are conducted.

30/08/2016: Ting Wang, who received her B.S. from Wuhan University of Science and Technology, joins our group. Welcome to Fudan!

18/08/2016: Congratulations! Our group received an NSFC grant to study mechanics of curved film/substrate systems.

25/06/2016: F. Xu has won ASME Prize (French section) that will be presented on the occasion of 15th EDF – PPRIME Workshop, Poitiers, France, Oct. 6, 2016.

06/06/2016: F. Xu is invited by Prof. Michel Potier-Ferry as a visiting professor to work in LEM3 – UMR CNRS 7239 for one month, supported by Laboratory of Excellence (LabEx – DAMAS).

25/05/2016: The talk by Prof. Yanping Cao is given at Fudan.

17/05/2016: The talk “Multi-scale Instabilities” by Prof. M. Potier-Ferry is given and his visit at Fudan lasts for one week.

18/04/2016: The paper “On axisymmetric/diamond-like mode transitions in axially compressed core-shell cylinders” has been accepted for publication in JMPS and is now available online. Congrats!

22/03/2016: The invited review paper “Cellular instabilities analyzed by multi-scale Fourier series: A review” is now available online.

15/12/2015: F. Xu will co-organize the mini-symposium of Instabilities and Bifurcations in Solids, Structures and Soft Materials in 2016 EMI International Conference with Prof. F. BrauProf. Y. FuProf. Y. Huo and Prof. M. Potier-Ferry.

04/12/2015: The website of XU GROUP at Fudan University is online.